

Keynote Speaker

John Cohn, IBM Fellow Emeritus; MIT - IBM Watson AI Lab 



John is an IBM Fellow in the MIT-IBM Watson Research Group, and a Team Member at the eVTOL company BETA Technologies. John earned a BSEE from MIT (’81) and a Ph.D in Computer Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University (‘91) where he was named a Distinguished Alumni in 2014. John has authored many technical papers, contributed to five books and has about ~120 worldwide patents. In 2005, John was elected a Fellow of the IEEE for contributions to the design of high performance custom integrated circuits.

John is a passionate proponent of STEM education at local, state, and international level. In 2019, John was awarded the IEEE CAS John Choma Education award for his efforts at STEM promotion. He is so passionate about promoting STEM careers that he spent 59 days living and inventing in an abandoned steel mill as part of Discovery Channel's technical survival show "The Colony".

John lives with his family in a restored 19th century schoolhouse in Jonesville Vermont and is very eager to share his love of science and technology with anyone who will listen.

John is a passionate nerd that loves sharing his love of science and technology with anyone who will listen.

You might enjoy this piece on innovation through play https://youtu.be/AnjFgSvj3vU

and this TEDx talk on the importance of play



VT Tech Hub


Doug Merrill, University of Vermont, Regional Innovation Officer



Doug Merrill is the Regional Innovation Officer for the University of Vermont. In this role he leads the advancement of federally designated Hubs and Engines to drive regional economic growth and shepherd advanced technologies from academic labs into industrial applications. Doug holds Bachelor's and Master’s degrees in Applied and Engineering Physics from Cornell University and an MBA, also from Cornell. He began his career with General Electric Aerospace, progressed through the GE Manufacturing Management Program, and served in operations, finance, and business development roles within GE Energy. Doug moved to Vermont in 2005 and has served in Executive roles at Husky Injection Molding, Dynapower and Semiprobe. In addition, he has consulted for numerous high tech manufacturing firms in the region and currently sits on three boards. Doug and his wife Lisa live in Shelburne and have two adult sons.

Talk Abstract:

What is a Federal Tech Hub, and why do we want one in Vermont?  

  1. The Tech Hub designation provides money and resources!
  2. These funds and resources are intended to fill in gaps in our innovation ecosystem. What is preventing inventors and entrepreneurs from developing the next generation of high power or high frequency microelectronics? We can fill those gaps
  3. Current gaps: Access to design tools, timely and cost effective prototyping resources, testing and evaluation equipment and expertise, and a skilled workforce to scale innovations. We can fill these gaps
  4. Why does it matter?  
  5. Locally, it provides jobs and tax revenue.  
  6. The Tech Hub is structured so that members must design their products in our region. The goal is that our region is THE place to be if you produce high power or high frequency microelectronics.   Our region is where the people that know and understand these devices can be found!
  7. Firms will move design offices here. Entrepreneurs will establish companies here.  
  8. Nationally, it will advance the state of the art in high power and high frequency devices much faster than the open market will
  9. We will lower the cost of failure…thus encouraging innovators to take more risks, more often.  
  10. This will force GF to understand its process limits more fully and work to expand them. The same holds true for the EDA providers.
  11. The US will lead in the development of GaN based high power and high frequency devices. This is an economic and national security priority.
  12. How do we get there?
  13. Tech Hub Technical evolution…. Growth, maturity, industry funded
  14. Startup financing plan/challenges:
  15. Tech Hub Phase II – swing and miss
  16. SBA Regional Innovation Clusters
  17. NATCAST workforce partnership program
  18. We are still writing this story!


Networking for Results


Michael J. Hughes, North America’s Networking Guru



Michael specializes in helping professionals increase results by improving their ability to develop and leverage relationships. 

Known as North America’s Networking Guru, he has invested the last twenty-plus years researching networking as a business strategy and professional competency.

His client list includes Project Management Institute, Dell, Staples, Fannie Mae, Ball State University, and the University of Ottawa’s Telfer Executive MBA program.

Session Overview:

PM Success in the Digital Age: Secret Strategies to Maximize Influence, Build Consensus and Drive Results in a World of Constant Change

Today’s technology-driven environment dictates an ever-increasing emphasis on speed and results, sometimes at the expense of a project management professional’s most powerful resource: people.

Relationships remain the foundational premise for success. The ability to build and maximize team effectiveness is now the single biggest contributor, yet in many cases, the most elusive ingredient to project success.

Technology is having a huge impact in every area of project management. Electronic communication and technology-based interactions now represent over 80% of our interactions. This includes its capacity to drive relationships.

This program will expand your awareness of how relationships ignite and evolve. It shares practical, proven concepts about how technology-based communication can drive the relationship process. 


Project Leadership - From Chaos to Confidence: The 6 Pillars Project Leadership Framework


Annmarie Curley, PMP, Newgrange IT Consulting



With over 25 years of executive leadership, including a transformative role as a senior executive at a Fortune 500 Investment Bank, Annmarie is a leading expert in optimizing global teams and business-critical projects.

She is CEO and founder of a management consulting firm focused on revitalizing team dynamics and strategy execution. Collaborating with C-level executives, Annmarie employs a results-driven approach to tackle unique challenges, offering bespoke action plans, training, and coaching.

Her mission: to cultivate collaborative, high-impact teams that drive critical initiatives and organizational transformation, delivering exceptional value to stakeholders and clients.


PMO Panel - hosted by Vijay Desai, Desai Consulting (PMI Board, VP of Outreach)
