May 09 2023 at 12:00AM
PMI Champlain Valley May 2023 Newsletter
Tuesday, 9 May 2023 Thank you to everyone who came out and supported us at the recent Meet the Board event at Pizza 44 this past month. We are in the planning phase of a bunch of new events so stay tuned for more details. This month we are completing a by-laws change that includes adding and taking away a few of the board positions. The proposed by-laws will be sent out separately and voting will open in about 2 weeks with the hopes to approve of these changes. PMI will be sending out the link for voting in the next week or two so keep an eye on your inboxes. We will send out a notification of the deadline of when the voting will close as well as a reminder closer to the deadline so everyone has a chance to have their voice heard. This past month, Ali and Vijay attended the LIM Conference in San Diego where they had the opportunity to learn all about the ins and outs of being a chapter leader. This was also an opportunity to meet all the other chapter leaders and pick their brains on what has been working in their chapter. As a result, they have been able to build a few connections and have already started the process of collaborating with a few local chapters.
PMICV Members share expertise and insights with UVM Engineering Students
This past Thursday, May 4th, seven PMICV members volunteered as panelists and answered UVM Engineering students’ questions regarding Project Management. Ken Burkman, a fellow PMICV member, and Professor of Practice; Engineering Management teaches Project Management for Engineers and invited chapter members to share their real-world insights and experiences with his engineering students.
The panelists were Bryan Serinese, Jennifer Lynch, June Shen-Epstein, Kim Whitcomb, Naomi Hahr, and Vijay Desai, and the moderator was Brent Raymond.
Save The Date!
BETA Technologies will be hosting our chapter for a tour of their facilities at the Patrick Leahy Burlington International Airport. Following a tour we will have a presentation by BETA. Dinner will be provided as well. Beta Technologies, is a Burlington, Vermont-based aerospace manufacturer only developing electric vertical take off and landing aircraft for now, but will soon expand into the cargo and logistics industry. Cost is $15 for chapter members and $20 for non-members. Note that BETA has space for 30 attendees so we will be limiting the registration to this number. If you have any questions, please reach out to our VP of Programs, Brian Williams at
We have been coordinating opportunities to volunteer and cook at the Ronald McDonald House on June 1st and 8th. The Ronald McDonald House is an international charity that hosts families that have traveled for their children to receive medical care at the hospital. We have a Ronald McDonald house locally in Burlington and we will be volunteering to cook dinner for the families staying there. Please stay tuned for the details if you would like the opportunity to volunteer. PDUs can also be earned by participating.
April PMICV Membership UpdateTotal Chapter Members: 285Credential HoldersPMP: 208CAPM: 11PMI-ACP: 11AH-MC: 4PgMP: 3DASM: 2PMI-PBA: 1OTF: 1Recent CertificationsLonnie Wimble - PMP
New MembersMary Williams Mike Puhalski Laura Chadwick Morgan Wild Adam Layhee Taylor Pillsbury Cathy White Bob Earle Nancy Willis |
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